Glad You Find Us
Tentang Kami
TOMMI di CPSE paméran SHENZHEN 2021
1.Naon FAR na FRR? JAUH: 0.000002% FRR: 0.19%
2.Can you device recognize a person who wears a mask? Sumuhun, you can select our high performance models which support mask detection and reminding.
3.Does this model come with an inbuilt card reader which supports NFC, MIfare and Iclass ? Sumuhun, we can add built-in card reader in the model you select at reasonable extra cost if you need.
4.Can I scan QR code to get access? Sumuhun, we can add built-in or external QR code reader in the model you select at reasonable extra cost if you need and it can be used for access control.
5. Naha alat pangenal raray anjeun tiasa dianggo pikeun jalma hideung Afrika? Sumuhun, we have devices deployed in several African countries and customers feedback our devices work well on adults and they are pleased with the accuracy rate.
6. Basa pamrograman naon anu dirojong ku alat anjeun? Alat urang tiasa ngadukung Java、C++、C # sareng sababaraha platform sapertos Linux,Panangan, Windows.
7.Can I get SDK for your device? Sumuhun, we can offer customers SDK file if they are interested in our products.
8.What protocols do your devices support? TCP/IP,HTTP,FTP,Wiegand,DNS,NTP,MQTT, WEBSOCKET,SDK. MQTT and HTTP are suggested for integration.
9. Parangkat lunak naon anu anjeun anggo sareng waktos hadir? Sadaya alat urang datang sareng parangkat lunak hadir urang sorangan. Or if you have your own attendance platform, we can help upload data from our device to your platform.
10. Naha kuring tiasa nganggo logo perusahaan kuring dina produk fisik sareng firmware jero? Sumuhun, Anjeun tiasa. Urang ngarojong konsumén’ sarat pikeun nambahkeun logo dina alat jeung firmware.
11. Basa naon anu dirojong ku alat anjeun? Inggris, Perancis, Basa Jepang, Italia, Spanyol,Koréa, jsb, urang bisa nambahkeun basa dina alat jeung software pisan gancang.
12. Kumaha urang bisa ngajamin kualitas? Salawasna sampel pre-produksi saméméh produksi masal; Salawasna inspeksi ahir sateuacan kiriman;