Qarrej tal-karti u qarrej tal-kodiċi QR jistgħu jiġu miżjuda mal-apparat ta 'rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ.
Tliet installazzjonijiet l-aktar frekwenti tal-apparati tagħna għar-rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ huma bħal hawn fuq.
1/2.8 “Progressive scan CMOS
Minimum illumination
0.01Lux@(F1.2,AGC ON)
Dual Sony 6mm lens
Display screen
1280*800 IPS display
Day and night parameters
Wide dynamic
Voice broadcast
appoġġ, support TTS voice broadcast customization;
Temperature measurement function
Melexis(90614DCI)Single point temperature measurement
Temperature measurement position
Forehead temperature measurement
Video standard
Bit rate
Video size
Video settings
Exposure (shutter), gain, contrast, saturation, face exposure compensation
Identity type
Operating mode
On line , off line , auto
Identify content
image、(optional QR code)
Recognition mode
Tip ta 'skoperta
Live detection
Reconginition speed
≤150ms (The comprehensive temperature measurement time is less than 2 seconds)
Recognition precision
Recoginition distance
1.0-2.0 meter(Body temperature detection 20 cm – 120 cm)
Face database
face database download
Single photo, baths photos , snapshot photo download |
Snapshot function
Image Format
JPEG encoding
Snapshot result
Panorama, partial close-up
size of the picture
1920*1080(panorama), Partial close-up pictures are based on the actual picture ratio |
Local storage
Build-in 8GB eMMC Used for resumable transmission
Snapshot storage
Close-up picture: Single machine supports 640,000 sheets(build-in 64G TF card) |
Panorama: Single machine supports 320,000 sheets(build-in 64G TF card ) |
Mode type
Output mode
Wigend 26/34/66, relay (2 channel )
Trigger method
Video trigger, swipe card, swipe ID card, QR code
Żvilupp sekondarju
Multi-platform (Linux, Driegħ,Windows), multi-language(Java, C++, C#)
Funzjoni tan-netwerk
Protocol support
Conmon function
Taħbit tal-qalb, protezzjoni bil-password, NTP time adjustment
Application of Tommi Face recognition thermometer
Face recognition body temperature access control
Dual 2M pixel thermal camera can recognize faces within 80-300ms and detect body temperature with an accuracy rate of +/-0.2°C. For normal temperature and right face ID, aċċess huwa permess awtomatikament. Alarms go off when the temperature exceeds preset value and records can be kept for review.
Automation and save labor force as it replaces an operator or guard with hand-held temperature gun
Non-contact temperature measurement at a distance of 0.3m-2m and no need for an operator to monitor the access control system as it can automatically displays real-time temperature reading and face ID and determine whether a person should be allowed or denied access. The whole process takes less than a few seconds.
Make sure masks are worn
Flash series has mask detection function which supports face ID recognition when wearing a mask and also sound an alarm and remind the user to wear a mask with voice broadcast if preset with mask wearing requirement.
2. Uri temperatura f'ħin reali u qari ta 'ID u allarm f'elevazzjonijiet ta' temperatura kritika ;
3. Appoġġ xandir tal-vuċi elettronika (temperatura normali tal-ġisem tal-bniedem jew allarm super għoli, riżultati tal-verifika tar-rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ, twissija jekk ma tilbesx maskra);
4. Mibni fil-multi-lingwa (jaqilbu kif rieda) wiri u xandir bil-vuċi;
5. Aħżen inċidenti ewlenin u 50000 librerija tal-wiċċ;
6. Issejvja l-forza tax-xogħol quddiem kamera biex tagħmel verifika u qari tat-temperatura;
7. Setup faċli u jista 'jiġi kkombinat bla xkiel mas-sistema ta' kontroll tal-aċċess tiegħek;
8. Tiżgura s-sigurtà u s-saħħa fil-bini applikat;
9. Appoġġ għat-tkomplija tax-xogħol f'ambjent sigur.
Il-kumpanija tagħna tadotta algoritmu avvanzat ta 'analiżi tal-immaġni u għandha drittijiet ta' proprjetà intellettwali kompletament indipendenti tat-teknoloġija tar-rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ. Aħna l-fornitur tas-sors ta 'soluzzjonijiet ta' rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ. Aħna provvista stabbli, prodotti ta 'sigurtà relatati ma' rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ affidabbli u kost-effettiv għal żmien twil. Fl-istess waqt, isserraħ fuq R tekniku b'saħħtu & tim D, nistgħu nipprovdu lill-klijenti pjattaforma kompluta u soluzzjonijiet sistematiċi, jipprovdu lill-klijenti “one-stop” servizzi, appoġġ OEM, ODM u modi oħra ta 'kooperazzjoni, sabiex jintlaħqu diversi bżonnijiet personalizzati tal-klijenti. Il-prodotti ewlenin tal-kumpanija jinkludu apparat ta 'rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ, apparati tas-sigurtà intelliġenti, Prodotti CCTV, strument tat-temperatura, eċċ., li jintużaw ħafna fil-komunitajiet, skejjel, sptarijiet, fabbriki, siti ta' kostruzzjoni, bini ta' uffiċini, lukandi, terminals tat-trasport pubbliku u postijiet pubbliċi oħra. Fil 2020, il-volum tal-bejgħ ta 'prodotti relatati tal-kumpanija se jaqbeż 15 miljun dollaru Amerikan, li huwa l-ewwel sehem tas-suq ta 'tagħmir ta' rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ inkorporat Hisilicon. Il-prodotti huma wkoll esportati lejn l-Istati Uniti, il-Lvant Nofsani, Ġappun, Korea t'Isfel, Asja tax-Xlokk, mal-FCC, CE u ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra.
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