Glad You Find Us
Babagan awake dhewe
PAMERAN liyane
1.Apa FAR lan FRR? Adoh: 0.000002% FRR: 0.19%
2.Can you device recognize a person who wears a mask? ya wis, you can select our high performance models which support mask detection and reminding.
3.Does this model come with an inbuilt card reader which supports NFC, MIfare and Iclass ? ya wis, we can add built-in card reader in the model you select at reasonable extra cost if you need.
4.Can I scan QR code to get access? ya wis, we can add built-in or external QR code reader in the model you select at reasonable extra cost if you need and it can be used for access control.
5. Apa piranti pangenalan pasuryan sampeyan bisa digunakake kanggo wong kulit ireng Afrika? ya wis, we have devices deployed in several African countries and customers feedback our devices work well on adults and they are pleased with the accuracy rate.
6. Basa pamrograman apa sing didhukung piranti sampeyan? Piranti kita bisa ndhukung Jawa、C++、C # lan macem-macem platform kayata Linux,lengen, Windows.
7.Can I get SDK for your device? ya wis, we can offer customers SDK file if they are interested in our products.
8.What protocols do your devices support? TCP/IP,HTTP,FTP,Wiegand,DNS,NTP,MQTT, WEBSOCKET,SDK. MQTT and HTTP are suggested for integration.
9. Piranti lunak apa sing sampeyan gunakake karo wektu rawuh? Kabeh piranti kita teka karo piranti lunak rawuh dhewe. Or if you have your own attendance platform, we can help upload data from our device to your platform.
10. Apa aku bisa nggunakake logo perusahaan ing produk fisik lan perangkat kukuh? ya wis, sampeyan bisa. We ndhukung pelanggan’ syarat nambah logo ing piranti lan perangkat kukuh.
11. Basa apa sing didhukung piranti sampeyan? Inggris, Prancis, Jepang, basa Italia, Spanyol,Korea, lsp, kita bisa nambah basa ing piranti lan piranti lunak cepet banget.
12. Kepiye carane bisa njamin kualitas? Tansah sampel pra-produksi sadurunge produksi massal; Tansah inspeksi pungkasan sadurunge dikirim;